Subterranean Termites
Subterranean termites are so named because they live underground, and they need contact with the soil. They love both the temperature and moisture of the soil, and these two things help keep them alive.
Subterranean actually means 'underground' and this is where you will find their colonies. These termites are the most widely spread type in this country, and are responsible for most of the damage to homes in the United States.
Sometimes, you will find Formosan termites in Georgia, too, but they are not common. This is actually a type of subterranean termite, and is the most aggressive of all termites. They do a billion dollars worth of damage to homes in the US every year, but again, are not common in Atlanta.
If you see flying swarms of termites, or mud tubes, these are most likely subterranean. These can be controlled through several measures; calling a pest control specialist at the first sign is important.
Drywood Termites
Drywood termites are most commonly found in the southern states, such as Georgia. These termites are typically bigger than the subterranean termites and do not typically live in the ground. You will usually find these termites living in whatever they are feeding on, be it a tree, your front porch, or even your hardwood floors.
When you see swarms of drywood termites, you will know that you have an infestation. However, it is important to note that swarms of these termites are actually small, so do not overlook them.
Signs of Termites?Make sure to look for Atlanta pest control today if you have any of these termites, or fear that you do. Termites can do expensive damage to a home, and quickly. Call today!